Laser Therapy at
Lapeer Chiropractic Centre
We have various laser therapy offerings at Lapeer Chiropractic Centre to help you get out-of-balance areas of your body to start working again.
Large Laser
Aptly named for its size, our large laser machine can emit 150 megawatts of laser light therapy to areas that need it. We often use this model for ear care, solving many individuals’ hearing problems and fixing marriage communication issues all in one fell swoop.
There is also an aspect of the machine that lets us fix nasal issues, which can lead to relieved blood pressure and elimination of sinus issues.
Quantum Laser
A series of 84 lasers are controlled by a computerized system and programmed to stimulate and restore health in areas of discomfort. The lights stimulate your body tissues’ ability to heal through a completely pain-free and non-invasive process.
It only takes about 5 minutes to receive this care and get your body back on track for long-term balance and self-healing.
Laser Acupuncture
If a laser is placed at intentional acupuncture points, your body can reset itself to its optimal functioning. It is particularly effective against addictive habits in humans, such as smoking.
Additional Offerings
One of the main benefits of laser therapy is its ability to break up scar tissue that may prevent your body from thriving. For younger patients comfortable with different modes of care, Dr. Ochadleus also uses the ArthoStim instrument to apply and relieve pressure, and does cupping and a scraping method called Gua Sha.
Cupping achieves pain relief for patients through the application of warm cups on the skin of affected areas, while Gua Sha can identify and relieve soft tissue tightness and injury through the use of specific scraping instruments.
We also have onsite massage with a certified massage therapist available for muscle pain relief.
Schedule Today
Try one of our therapy options today to see if we can solve your acute pain or chronic conditions.
Schedule an appointment now.